Wilderness Within on the Winter Solstice

At the solstice the 'sun stands still' as sunrise and sunset are at their extreme points on the horizon for about three days. In the UK during winter solstice (between 20-22 Dec, but usually 21st) the sun its at its extreme lowest point and it barely rises, lights or warms the Earth before disappearing again [...]

Autumn ReWilding

With beautiful blue skies, fresh autumn weather and mud laden fields, the herd prepare for the winter. The winter solstice is now only a few weeks away, when, in the northern hemisphere, the Holly king famously gives way to the Oak King and our dark nights begin to get shorter and life in the hedgerows [...]

Animal Communication Weekend Workshop

We are very excited to be inviting you to join us for a wonderful weekend coming up in November with Medium and Healer Jo Dutfield who will be collaborating with Paintedhorse to bring a new and powerful way of communicating with our animal allies. Focusing on our 6 senses to develop the confidence, trust and [...]

Mandala’s and Ley Lines

Connecting to Nature and the energy of the Earth: August has brought with it a theme of mandala's and ley lines for us at Paintedhorse.  We have had some amazing people and groups visiting to experience our Equine ReWilding taster sessions. They have inspired us with their creativity of their mandalas and their ability to [...]

Nine for Mortal Men

Our healing herd of nine: “Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings A week ago lovely Jo Dutfield (medium, healer and animal communicator) came to help us introduce Logan and Epona (the ponies we [...]

Goddess of Epona and Cerridwen

Celebrate Beltane together:   Bee Helygen, Priestess of Cerridwen and her student priestesses including our own Livvy Adams, celebrated Beltane on the magical lands of Avalon.  Calling in the Goddess of Cerridwen for the celebration of Beltane, heralding the start of the summer, love and the union of Goddess and God - Bee admitted to falling in love [...]

Be with the Herd

Feel the connection:   Equine Facilitated & Experiential Learning Spend time with the herd. Ground yourself in nature. Listen to birds. Break out of your busy mind and become aware of your body, in all its honesty. Listen. Connect. Stand with the herd. Sit with the herd. Be part of the herd. Feel their connection - to you, [...]

Horses for Heroes

Army veteran connects with Danny: Out of our Paintedhorse team Danny came forward to offer his equine wisdom and warmth to an Army veteran adjusting to life on civvie street and awaiting a further operation on his back.  Danny was fidgety at first and when it was acknowledged that the client had some 'anxiety' he became still.  Danny then spent some [...]