Happy New Year

On the last day of 2017, we look back at what this year has held for us at Paintedhorse and we look forward to what awaits in 2018. Charity and Not for Profit We supported charity Key4Life by providing Equine Therapy for their programme designed for their ‘At Risk’ groups at Dartington Hall and HQ in Somerset, [...]

Animal Communication Weekend Workshop

We are very excited to be inviting you to join us for a wonderful weekend coming up in November with Medium and Healer Jo Dutfield who will be collaborating with Paintedhorse to bring a new and powerful way of communicating with our animal allies. Focusing on our 6 senses to develop the confidence, trust and [...]

Epona: Our Dartmoor Hillie Goddess

Also known as 'the sassy one': Epona 'great mare' was the Gaulish name for their Celtic Horse Goddess, a goddess of fertility and protector of equines and she was also celebrated by the Roman Army as a protector of their horses. It was the name all three of us heard when Meadow said she wanted [...]

Nine for Mortal Men

Our healing herd of nine: “Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings A week ago lovely Jo Dutfield (medium, healer and animal communicator) came to help us introduce Logan and Epona (the ponies we [...]

Logan: His time has come

Introducing lovable Logan to Paintedhorse: When we moved to our new location in April, there were two ponies already there. Their then owner didn't have the time needed for them and their health issues; we offered to buy them about a month later, naturally with the view of introducing them to our herd. We were [...]